- Our patented ID authentication tech
- Secure login access
- No password required!
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Court video depositionsSecure Login / Identity Authentication Technology Service
The Problem
- We hate them
- They are not secure
- It's difficult to remember them
- Users tend to use the same one over and over again, so a security breach at another website means that your website may now be compromised
- Relies on passwords to access it
- Data may be stored in the clear (encryption is not used)
- If it is cloud-based, access to passwords is impossible if there is no internet access
- Relies on passwords
- Users need immediate access to a second device (or app)
- If the second device is stolen, the thief now has access to your system
- Relies on passwords
- A third-party is tracking the data
- It's a single access point to multiple apps
- One data breach means access to every app SSO is associated with
- Requires reliable biometric technology on every platform
- It is secure, BUT ... if the device is lost, then access is lost
- Requires reliable hardware and software recognition technology
- Users have issues recognizing items in the image
- Users have issues selecting items in the image
The Solution - nadaPASS
The website, network, or application must support the use of nadaPASS
- The user inputs their unique nadaPASS name where the username traditionally is
- The user selects the log in button - no password required!
- The user's nadaPASS app shows the login request
- The user confirms the request by the push of a single button
- Our patented technology uses MLOK™ (Multi-Location Offset Key) security
- Our security architecture has been reviewed by a leading security consultant company to confirm how secure our it is
- No passwords are needed, and no passwords are ever stored
- This means that when a website (or system) has been hacked, the information garnered is worthless since it cannot be used on any other website (or system)
- All communication within the process uses military-grade encryption levels
- The nadaPASS solution has been tested with users of a wide range of ages to ensure ease of use - from elementary school children, to college students, to senior citizens.
- When a login request is active, simply opening the app will display it
- The nadaPASS app is available for a wide range of devices - Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac
- For websites, this is typically done using a small, extremely secure plug-in
- For intranet applications, a small piece of hardware is required
- For legacy sites, a secure password manager - nadaVUE - is included in the app
- Information is *never* stored in the clear - it is always encrypted
- Military-grade encryption is employed
- Data is stored on the device and in the cloud
- Data stored on the device (and in the cloud) is encrypted
- If there is no internet access, you can still retrieve much needed data